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There are a few helper scripts that can be used to make the process of setting up and using GitHub easier. These scripts are installed in the process of setting up dotfiles and can be found in the .local/bin directory.

github-auth [OPTION]

The github-auth script is a utility for logging in to GitHub and configuring Git authentication using the GitHub CLI (gh).

To use the script, simply run the following command:


Optionally, you can use the --interactive or -i flag to run the script in interactive mode:

github-auth --interactive

The script performs the following actions:

  1. Determines if the script should run in interactive mode based on the provided flag.
  2. Checks if the GITHUB_USERNAME environment variable is set. If not, it skips the GitHub authentication process.
  3. Checks if the gh (GitHub CLI) command is installed. If not, it skips the GitHub authentication process.
  4. Configures the Git protocol to use HTTPS for GitHub.
  5. If in interactive mode, logs in to GitHub using gh auth login. If not in interactive mode, logs in using the provided GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

Note: Before running the script, make sure you have the GitHub CLI (gh) installed. To install it, follow the instructions at


The dotfiles-setup-github-keys script is a utility for adding your SSH and GPG keys to your GitHub account, assuming you have already authenticated using the gh (GitHub CLI) tool.

To use the script, simply run the following command:


The script performs the following actions:

  1. Checks if the GITHUB_USERNAME environment variable is set. If not, it skips the GitHub authentication process.
  2. Checks if the gh (GitHub CLI) command is installed and if you are authenticated to GitHub.
  3. If authenticated, it attempts to add your SSH key to your GitHub account, if not already added.
  4. If your GPG public key file exists, it provides instructions for manually adding your GPG key to your GitHub account, as the GitHub CLI does not currently support this functionality.

Note: Before running the script, make sure you have the GitHub CLI (gh) installed and authenticated. To install it, follow the instructions at, and to authenticate, use the github-auth script described in a previous section or refer to the gh documentation.