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Pass and Passage

There are a few helper scripts that can be used to make pass and passage more convenient to use. These scripts are installed in the process of setting up dotfiles and can be found in the .local/bin directory.


The pass-clone script is a simple utility to clone or update the pass and passage repositories, which are used for managing password-store and passage directories, respectively.

To use the script, simply run the following command:


The script will perform the following actions:

  1. If the pass feature is enabled: a. Check if the password-store directory exists. b. If it exists, prompt the user to remove the existing directory. c. If the user confirms, remove the directory. d. Clone the pass repository to the password-store directory.
  2. If the passage feature is enabled: a. Check if the passage directory exists. b. If it exists, prompt the user to remove the existing directory. c. If the user confirms, remove the directory. d. Clone the passage repository to the passage directory.

Note: For private repositories, GitHub authentication is required to clone or update them.


The pass-init script is a utility for initializing and configuring the pass password manager. It sets up the necessary environment variables, initializes the pass storage directory, and configures the remote Git repository for synchronization.

To use the script, simply run the following command:


The script will perform the following actions:

  1. Check if the password-store directory and the .gpg-id file exist.
  2. If the .gpg-id file doesn't exist or the PASSWORD_STORE_KEY environment variable is different from the one in the .gpg-id file, initialize or reinitialize pass.
  3. If the Git repository is not initialized in the password-store directory, initialize it.
  4. If the remote Git repository is not set, set it to the PASS_REPO environment variable.
  5. If GitHub authentication is available, fetch and checkout the main branch, set the upstream, and pull the changes.

Note: Before running the script, ensure you have generated a GPG key and set the PASSWORD_STORE_KEY environment variable. Additionally, set the PASS_REPO environment variable to the remote pass repository URL. For private repositories, GitHub authentication is required.


The passage-init script is a utility for initializing and configuring the passage password manager. It ensures passage is installed, sets up the necessary environment variables, initializes the passage storage directory, and configures the remote Git repository for synchronization.

To use the script, simply run the following command:


The script will perform the following actions:

  1. Check if passage is installed; if not, clone the PASSAGE_SHARE_REPO and install passage.
  2. Check if the AGE_KEY_FILE exists; if not, prompt the user to generate an age key using age-keygen.
  3. If the PASSAGE_DIR directory doesn't exist, create it.
  4. If the Git repository is not initialized in the PASSAGE_DIR, initialize it.
  5. If the remote Git repository is not set, set it to the PASSAGE_REPO environment variable.
  6. If GitHub authentication is available, fetch and checkout the main branch, set the upstream, and pull the changes.

Note: Before running the script, ensure you have generated an age key and set the AGE_KEY_FILE environment variable. Additionally, set the PASSAGE_REPO environment variable to the remote passage repository URL. For private repositories, GitHub authentication is required.


The pass-insert script is a utility for inserting or updating passwords in both pass and passage password managers. It checks whether the specified password entry exists in each manager, and if not, it inserts the provided password or prompts the user to enter one. If the entry exists, it updates the password if the provided password is different from the existing one.

To use the script, run the following command:

pass-insert pass-name [password]


  • pass-name: The name of the password entry (required).
  • password: The password to insert or update (optional).

The script performs the following actions:

  1. Checks if pass and passage are installed and initialized.
  2. If pass is installed and initialized, it checks whether the specified pass-name exists in the password store.
  3. If the entry exists and the provided password is different, it updates the password.
  4. If the entry doesn't exist, it inserts the provided password or prompts the user to enter one.
  5. If passage is installed and initialized, it checks whether the specified pass-name exists in the passage store.
  6. If the entry exists and the provided password is different, it updates the password.
  7. If the entry doesn't exist, it inserts the provided password or prompts the user to enter one.

Note: Ensure that both pass and passage are installed and initialized before using the script. Also, set the AGE_KEY_FILE environment variable to the age key file path.


The pass-rm script is a utility for removing password entries from both pass and passage password managers. It checks whether the specified password entry exists in each manager, and if so, it removes the entry according to the provided options.

To use the script, run the following command:

pass-rm [--recursive,-r] [--force,-f] pass-name


  • --recursive, -r: Optional flag to remove a directory and its contents recursively.
  • --force, -f: Optional flag to force the removal without confirmation.
  • pass-name: The name of the password entry to remove (required).

The script performs the following actions:

  1. Parses options and extracts the pass-name.
  2. Checks if pass and passage are installed.
  3. If pass is installed, it checks whether the specified pass-name exists in the password store.
  4. If the entry exists, it removes the entry according to the provided options.
  5. If the entry doesn't exist, it logs an information message.
  6. If passage is installed, it checks whether the specified pass-name exists in the passage store.
  7. If the entry exists, it removes the entry according to the provided options.
  8. If the entry doesn't exist, it logs an information message.

Note: Ensure that both pass and passage are installed before using the script.


The pass-pull script is a utility for pulling changes from remote repositories for both pass and passage password managers. It checks whether the password managers are initialized and have remote repositories set, and if so, it pulls the changes from the remote repositories.

To use the script, simply run the following command:


The script performs the following actions:

  1. Checks if GitHub is authenticated. If not, it logs an information message and exits.
  2. Checks if the PASSWORD_STORE_DIR is set and has a .gpg-id file for pass.
  3. If the directory exists and has a remote repository set, it pulls changes from the remote repository.
  4. If the directory doesn't exist or the remote is not set, it logs an information message.
  5. Checks if the PASSAGE_DIR is set and has the AGE_KEY_FILE for passage.
  6. If the directory exists and has a remote repository set, it pulls changes from the remote repository.
  7. If the directory doesn't exist or the remote is not set, it logs an information message.

Note: Ensure that you have authenticated with GitHub and both pass and passage are initialized before using the script.


The pass-push script is a utility for committing and pushing changes to remote repositories for both pass and passage password managers. It checks whether the password managers are initialized and have remote repositories set, and if so, it commits and pushes the changes to the remote repositories.

To use the script, simply run the following command:


The script performs the following actions:

  1. Checks if the PASSWORD_STORE_DIR is set and has a .gpg-id file for pass.
  2. If the directory exists and has a remote repository set, it commits changes and pushes them to the remote repository.
  3. If the directory doesn't exist or the remote is not set, it logs an information message.
  4. Checks if the PASSAGE_DIR is set and has the AGE_KEY_FILE for passage.
  5. If the directory exists and has a remote repository set, it commits changes and pushes them to the remote repository.
  6. If the directory doesn't exist or the remote is not set, it logs an information message.

Note: Ensure that both pass and passage are initialized before using the script.


The pass-sync script is a utility for synchronizing passwords between the pass and passage password managers. It checks whether both password managers are initialized and then performs a bidirectional sync between them.

To use the script, simply run the following command:


The script performs the following actions:

  1. Checks if the PASSWORD_STORE_DIR is set and has a .gpg-id file for pass. If not, it logs an information message and exits.
  2. Checks if the PASSAGE_DIR is set and has the AGE_KEY_FILE for passage. If not, it logs an information message and exits.
  3. Syncs from pass to passage:
  4. Iterates through all password entries in the pass password store.
  5. If an entry does not exist in the passage store, it inserts the entry into the passage store.
  6. Syncs from passage to pass:
  7. Iterates through all password entries in the passage password store.
  8. If an entry does not exist in the pass store, it inserts the entry into the pass store.

Note: Ensure that both pass and passage are initialized before using the script.